My name is Alicia and I am going on the adventure of a lifetime with my friends, Natalie and Nick. We are driving across the United States for the summer in my renovated RV, an '89 Toyota Dolphin, hence the name Dolphin Pod. We have quit our jobs and packed our bags for 2 months on the road. We will be departing from Northern California on Friday, June 13th and will be hitting select destinations to the east coast and back with our final destination at Burning Man. The countdown begins: 12 days.
Here's our baby, hopefully she makes it :)
And here is our tentative route
We have no real time schedule or specific dates of where we need to be. We are just kinda winging it.
For this trip we have a set a few rules:
Only #1
You must journal every day
Don't throw up in the sink or shower
When in doubt use the weirdo gauge
and Natalie don't try to bring your entire closet
where the fuck the rest o the info???